Welcome to the Boutique Hotel Resort
Villa Zara
We enable people who need to switch off, recharge, or experience something unprecedented, but without the presence of masses and crowds, and who don't want to travel halfway around the world, to experience true luxury, great care, unforgettable local and authentic experiences, and reliable privacy. And all this with a pleasant and cosy human dimension, because, as Aristotle said, true beauty is that which has a human dimension.
In the heart of the royal mining town, surrounded by beautiful mountainous nature, there is this romantic historical building where Emperor Joseph II once slept.
A place that will captivate you
We want to be a hotel resort that will become the "prototype" of boutique exclusivity, the highest standard, perfect and always discreet care.
The resort offers unique apartments that served the emperor himself and his entourage. Every detail was carefully consulted with experts and the best domestic and foreign restaurateurs were invited. The enclosed area offers pleasant seating on the restaurant's terrace with a breathtaking view, a dance floor and an outdoor pool and hot tub.